Supreme Learning Centre Limited 致力於全人發展,啟發學生在體育、藝術及學術各方面的智慧與潛能,提供最頂尖、最優質的活動課程。本中心有多年合辦課程經驗,所辦之課程深受社區、學校、教師、家長及學生的歡迎及認同。
Supreme Learning Centre Limited是什麼公司? What is Supreme Learning Centre Limited? |
本中心提倡全人發展,啟發學生在體育、藝術及學術各方面的智慧與潛能,為學生提供最頂尖、最優質的活動課程。 Our center promotes holistic development, inspiring students in sports, arts, and academics, providing top-quality activity courses. |
Supreme Learning Centre Limited的課程有什麼特點? What are the characteristics of the courses offered by Supreme Learning Centre Limited? |
本中心提供多元化的活動課程和優質的教學質素,有助擴闊學生的學習領域,培養興趣和自信心,發展其學習潛能,達至全面發展,提升學生本身的競爭力。 Our center offers a variety of activity courses and high-quality teaching, helping to broaden students’ learning scope, cultivate interest and confidence, develop learning potential, achieve comprehensive development, and enhance students’ competitiveness. |
Supreme Learning Centre Limited的課程由誰負責? Who is responsible for the courses at Supreme Learning Centre Limited? |
活動課程經由一群專業的導師及教練精心編排,輔以優質的教材,並透過互動而有趣的教學方法,讓學生在輕鬆愉快的環境氣氛下學習,教學相得益彰。 The activity courses are meticulously arranged by a group of professional instructors and coaches, supplemented with high-quality materials, and taught through interactive and fun methods, allowing students to learn in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. |
如何聯繫Supreme Learning Centre Limited? How to contact Supreme Learning Centre Limited? |
您可以通過以下方式聯繫我們: You can contact us through the following ways: 地址: Address: 1/F, 45-47 Lion Rock Road, Kowloon City 電話: Phone: 2718 6331 電郵: Email: supreme_lc@yahoo.com.hk 網站: Website: www.supremelc.com |